In 1848, a twenty-three-year-old apprentice millwright boarded Europe bound for America. His name was Carl Hilmar Guenther.Hilmar traveled through the Midwest before embarking down the Mississippi River to Louisiana and, ultimately, Texas. During this time, he was involved in a variety of work experiences including lumbering, farming and flour milling.
The Museum, or library as it was originally known, now houses mill memorabilia including antique baking accessories, cookie cutters and anniversary Dresden china plates which were given to customers by the mill. After World War II, Dresden plates were replaced with American-made china until they also stopped in 1952. Erhard’s silver-plated trophy from the Casino Club Bowling Team of 1897 is also located in the Museum; as is a beautiful hand-carved Victorian marble-top table, a gift to Erhard and his wife, Lottie Harnisch Guenther. An alabaster and brass ceiling fixture has been returned to its original place in the Museum…

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Find Us
The Guenther House
205 East Guenther Street
San Antonio, Texas 78204
Our Hours
Wednesday - Sunday | 8am - 2pm
Breakfast served from 8am - 2pm.
San Antonio River Mill Store
Wednesday - Sunday | 8am - 2pm